Case Studies

A restaurant review cuts costs 15% and adds ingredients for creative cooking
A restaurant group with five successful establishments was happy with its single-source supplier but grew concerned when standard items were routinely swapped out for replacements, often at higher costs and without notice. ETP’s enabled Consultants to issue a like-for-like RFP to the incumbent and other local suppliers.

Aviation Sub-Contractor Turns a $231,100 Expense Into a $110,205 Revenue Source
ETP was introduced to an aviation sub-contractor to review their expenses and determine if there were opportunities for reductions. We were able to renegotiate with existing vendors and recoup lost revenue from recycling.

Country Club Cuts Costs for Health Insurance and Food
Costs for client were increasing even as membership was decreasing. Efforts to cut costs while maintaining high-quality member services is a tough balancing act. ETP found ways to cut costs without sacrificing service or quality ─ a hallmark of ETP’s consulting expertise.

Dental Supply Expense Review Audit
A client who wanted to save on expenses requested our assistance in locating a new medical supplies vendor. Our efforts saved them more than $1 million over 3 years.

Digital Equipment Lease Review and Audit
A client intending to release their existing digital equipment to take advantage of an IRS Section 179 Tax deduction requested an audit from us.

Finding Savings in Mobile Compliance Contracts
One of our clients used two major mobile carriers for employee communications without thinking twice about the numerous contracts.

Gastroenterology Practice Saves on Medical and Office Supplies
A client engaged us to evaluate and determine if there were price optimization strategies they could employ.

Hospitality Company Saves in Multiple Cost Centers
While the travel segments was strong, we were hired to determine if there were potential areas of savings this multi-state hospitality company could immediately deploy.

International Company Saves in Multiple Cost Centers
This international company manufactures, markets and provides service for a broad spectrum of industries and asked ETP to review key expenses. The ETP team found savings in all requested expense categories that will help the Company continue to fulfill its mission.

Medical Practice Saves on Medical Supplies
The award-winning multi-specialty medical practice staffed by a team of 500 top physicians and advanced care providers and 1500 clinical employees throughout 13 locations asked us to review its expenses for medical supplies.

Mortgage Company Saves in Multiple Cost Centers
ETP was asked to review expenses, merchant fees, payroll and telecom (data, wired and wireless) services, health insurance, as well as office supplies and overnight package deliveries for a nine branch multi-state Home Loan Mortgage Company. ETP Consultants found savings that will help the Company continue to fulfill its mission.

Plastics and Mold Injection Company Receives $187,466 in Dollars for Research & Development Tax Credits
ETP was hired to review business activities and to see whether this client qualified for the federal R&D Tax Credits. After the initial review, ETP determined that they would be a great candidate for an R&D Study and was engaged immediately to begin the process.